Welcome to Guiding You Inward! My name is Vale and I am a Caribbean soul living in the Evergreen State. I created Guiding You Inward from a desire to help others find more freedom in their life.
I had tried every therapy available to heal. I was struggling with constant worry, anxiety, overwhelming fear, and living in a state of stress. Like most of us, my culture was not in touch with the idea of processing emotions and as collateral damage, we ended up normalizing seeking numbness through substances or consumerism.
Growing up, my nervous system was hyper-aware of all the subtle energies around me yet I always found a way to numb my signals because that’s what I learned to do in service to survival. I now see my high sensitivity as a divine gift. After overcoming years of unprocessed emotions, I now enjoy the gifts that my sensitivity brings like receiving messages from the other side, the ability to see beyond the senses, and now becoming a multi-dimensional channel.
​ As Gabor Maté said, "The attempt to escape from pain, is what creates more pain." Before I found SMGI®, I was terrified of feeling my emotions which resulted in me escaping and trying to numb. Years of repressed emotions were catching up to me with frequent crying spells and panic attacks. When I decided to surrender to a higher power, SMGI® appeared in my life and changed everything. It gave me the freedom that I had been craving and it helped me process years of unprocessed sadness, grief, heartbreaks, shame, and pain. I learned that my triggers were essentially the map to my freedom.​
Unprocessed emotions or trauma become hidden in the body leaving energy imprints that become activated when triggered and we get regressed to what did not get processed. We learned to do this to survive but if left unprocessed, they can manifest into our reality creating our destiny for us!!! As Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” All emotions are essential in our journeys and when we learn to work with them and process them properly, we can live a life of flow and alignment with our highest selves. ​​
Going inward can be as scary as it can be rewarding. After my spiritual awakening at 22, I felt such freedom from all the guilt, shame, worry, and fear I was holding on to. I learned that we are the medicine and that we have the power to heal ourselves when we don't interfere. My purpose was born from a desire to help others find freedom and fall in love with self-discovery and realization.
I deeply understand how going inwards can be such a scary place because it is the unknown and we don't want to be face to face with what we have avoided or worked so hard throughout our lives to run away from: ourselves. ​
​That's why I chose the name Guiding You Inward for this space I am creating—a space where I guide you in navigating your unconscious, subconscious, and superconscious mind to rescue or liberate anything that is no longer serving you or keeping you stuck or to tap into the quantum realm of infinite potential.​​​​
Reach my email if you have any questions: